Shaping capacity-building for stakeholder engagement with IPBES according to most urgent capacity-building needs, identified with experts from Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The study was commissioned by the German IPBES coordination office and wanted to answer the question how capacity building for stakeholder engagement with IPBES can be shaped according to the most urgent needs in a region. The region of Central And Eastern Europe was chosen as an example. In cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia 30 participants from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Hungary, Moldova, Russian Federation, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Germany where invited to a workshop in Tbilisi, Georgia in February 2015. The answers to a questionnaire on specific capacity building needs were used as a starting point for the workshop discussion, after a short introduction into the working modus of IPBES as such. The capacity building needs could be structured and prioritized and options for meeting these needs were discussed. One important structure to help meeting the needs is the recently formed Technical Support Unit for Europe and Central Asia, located in Switzerland.